I'm slowly learning and practicing using the Wix editor. I had a fright last weekend where I did something that appeared to erase most of the Home page. Fortunately, there is an unlimited Redo button and I was able to back up to the point where the normal presentation of the page existed.
I uploaded an "album" of songs. Yay! Unfortunately I can't attach the PDFs for each MP3, so at this point people can only listen to those songs. The album is titled "Foundations of Bahá'í Belief 1". I will need to upload each song separately in order to attach the proper PDF.
I still have a lot of music to post - I counted 70 files in my scoring program, of which I have posted about one third. I'm waiting to create the pages that help to organize the music into categories before I upload any more music.
I've created pages about the Báb and Bahá'u'lláh, and some of the music associated with them. Next I need to enhance a page about 'Abdu'l-Baha, and add other categories.
That's all for now. Thanks for joining me on this journey.
